Smart Medibox is a EPP32 based device designed to assist users in managing their medication effectively. It integrates several features to ensure medication adherence and proper storage conditions.
For detailed documentation and source code, visit my GitHub Repository.
Project Overview

Medication Reminders: The device reminds users to take their medication at specified times through alarms.
Temperature and Humidity Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of temperature and humidity inside the Medibox ensures that medications are stored under optimal conditions. Users are notified if conditions deviate from the desired range.
Light Control: A motorized curtain controls the amount of light entering the Medibox, helping to maintain the appropriate environment for medication storage.
Technologies and Components

- ADAFRUIT SSD 1306 OLED Monochrome Display (128x64)
- ESP32 Devkit V1
- DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (Configurable for DHT22)
- SG90 Micro Server Motor
- LDRs and 10kΩ Resistors
- Push Buttons
Node-RED Dashboard